Vincent Chu Tinkerer | Leader | Innovator

Product & Engineering leader in SaaS.
Passionate with technology. Worked at Electronic Arts and Apple before venturing into the startup world.

This is the first 3D project that I have done in my life using OpenGL and C++ only. Basically what this program does is to allow you to control the backhoe.

In order to run the program however, you may need the following library in your system directory: glut32.dll

Control of Backhoe (Readme):
Press 1 and move the mouse while the left mouse button is held would move the backhoe back and forth
Press 2 and move the mouse while the left mouse button is held would rotate the red base
Press 3 and move the mouse while the left mouse button is held would rotate the white arm
Press 4 and move the mouse while the left mouse button is held would rotate the purple arm
Press 5 and move the mouse while the left mouse button is held would rotate the blue box

You can also control the following from the menu or from the keyboard:
"W" or "Wireframe" in menu corresponds to wireframe mode
"o" or "orthogonal view" in menu corresponds to orthogonal view mode
"p" or unchecking "orthogonal view" in menu corresponds to perspective view mode
"x" or "x rotation" in menu corresponds to rotating the whole scene along the x axis
"y" or "y rotation" in menu corresponds to rotating the whole scene along the y axis
"z" or "z rotation" in menu corresponds to rotating the whole scene along the z axis

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