Vincent Chu Tinkerer | Leader | Innovator

Product & Engineering leader in SaaS.
Passionate with technology. Worked at Electronic Arts and Apple before venturing into the startup world.

What is fun for Vincent?

I find a lot of things in life fun but the list really should go to the About Me section.

This page exists sort of out of historical reasons - I wanted to have a miscellaneous page that holds the links to my photo album, my silly projects and to external sites that I like visiting. The problem was that the menu bar couldn't fit the word "miscellaneous", so I decided to call it "Fun" instead.

On the right are the links to the "fun" stuff I mentioned. Enjoy!


Sorry, my photo albums are password protected. If I asked you to visit my site, but for some reason you know neither of the passwords, then please just ask me - I can't think of passwords that everyone knows, so please forgive me :).

I have created two accounts, and you can use either one to access the pictures:

username: biology
password: (The last name of our I.B. Biology Teacher <My year of course, without capitalization and salutation>)

username: flying2003
password: (It's the usual subject of my drawings.)